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Swingaroo is run by a group of dancers so that we all have somewhere local to test out our moves. We are a not-for-profit event, with all money going back into keeping the show on the road. All the members of the Committee and the helpers volunteer their services. If you would like to find out about volunteering, please speak to the DJ or the person on the door. Be warned however, if you stay to help us tidy up, Adele may make you dance along with her to Hammertime!
Safety First:
All patrons are reminded that dancing is a physical activity and that they should take sensible steps to protect themselves from risk; such as, warming up, keeping alert on the floor for other dancers, and taking rests and fluids.
Floor craft: The dance floor can be a busy place. We ask all dancers to take responsibility for their own and others’ safety at all times.
Children: Children are most welcome at Swingaroo and we ask that parents remember that they are responsible for their child at all times. The dancefloor becomes very busy and so is not a suitable play-space for children.
Photography by Ruth Hornby at

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